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Prophet Joseph story in Quran


The Story of Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) in the Quran

The story of Prophet Joseph, known as Yusuf in Arabic, is one of the most detailed and captivating narratives in the Quran. It is found in Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12), which is entirely dedicated to his life and experiences. This story is not only a tale of trials and triumphs but also a profound lesson in faith, patience, and forgiveness.

Key Aspects of the Story

  1. Joseph's Dream

    • The story begins with young Joseph sharing a dream with his father, Jacob (Yaqub), where he sees eleven stars, the sun, and the moon prostrating to him. Jacob, recognizing the significance of the dream, advises Joseph to keep it a secret from his brothers.
    • Quran Reference: "When Joseph said to his father, 'O my father, indeed I have seen [in a dream] eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me.'" (Quran 12:4)
  2. Jealousy of His Brothers

    • Joseph's brothers, envious of their father's affection for him, plot to get rid of him. They throw him into a well, where he is later found and sold into slavery in Egypt.
    • Quran Reference: "So when they took him [out] and agreed to put him into the bottom of the well..." (Quran 12:15)
  3. Life in Egypt

    • Joseph is bought by a nobleman in Egypt and grows up in his household. However, he faces a trial when the nobleman's wife attempts to seduce him. Joseph, remaining steadfast in his faith, resists her advances.
    • Quran Reference: "And she, in whose house he was, sought to seduce him. She closed the doors and said, 'Come, you.' He said, 'I seek the refuge of Allah.'" (Quran 12:23)
  4. Imprisonment and Rise to Power

    • Despite his innocence, Joseph is imprisoned due to false accusations. In prison, he interprets the dreams of fellow inmates, which eventually leads to his release and rise to power as a trusted advisor to the Pharaoh.
    • Quran Reference: "And the king said, 'Bring him to me; I will appoint him exclusively for myself.'" (Quran 12:54)
  5. Reunion with His Family

    • The story culminates in a touching reunion with his family, where Joseph forgives his brothers for their past wrongs, demonstrating the power of forgiveness and reconciliation.
    • Quran Reference: "He said, 'No blame will there be upon you today. Allah will forgive you; and He is the most merciful of the merciful.'" (Quran 12:92)

Lessons from the Story

  • Patience and Perseverance: Joseph's life teaches us the importance of patience and trust in God's plan, even in the face of adversity.
  • Forgiveness: Joseph's ability to forgive his brothers is a powerful lesson in letting go of past grievances.
  • Faith in God: Throughout his trials, Joseph's unwavering faith in God serves as an inspiration for believers.

Comparison with Other Religions

  • The story of Joseph is also found in the Bible, in the Book of Genesis. While there are similarities, the Quranic account emphasizes moral and spiritual lessons, focusing on Joseph's character and faith.

The story of Prophet Joseph in the Quran is a testament to the power of faith, patience, and forgiveness. It serves as a guide for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, offering timeless lessons that resonate with people of all backgrounds.


  • The Quran, Surah Yusuf (Chapter 12)

By understanding and reflecting on the story of Prophet Joseph, one can find inspiration and guidance in their own life journey.


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